Monday, February 20, 2012

Be Whole

Come into the Light, little one,
You who were hurt so badly--
Come into the Light, young woman,
You who were disillusioned--
Come into the Light, young mother,
You who were abandoned--

Come into the Light, Let Love now heal,
Misperceptions are what you feel--
It isn't real!

Light now floods the secret rooms
Where Id and Ego once feared doom.
Life-long lessons have been learned,
And Karma's cords, Love now burns.

Come into the Light, parts of my soul,
Come into the Love, and Now be whole.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Happiness, like love, is a choice.
The Universe reacts to my voice.
If I complain, I only get pain.

If I choose Love, Angels above
Stand by, helping me fly
Straight to your loving arms.


Hot, cold
Love, hate
Too soon, too late--

Spirituality, physicality
Reality, actuality--

Where's the Love,
The Reunion
We All dream of--

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Charred heart turns to ash,
Trust betrayed, hopes dashed--
Was this all a cosmic sham,
Twin Flame Lover, just a man?

Confusion, illusion,
Contusion of the brain,
Hard knocks, karma,
Tears fall like rain--
Cleaning ego's messes,
Tying loose ends,
Lover confesses,
Enemies are friends.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Sporadic tweets are all we have,
No more time to spare--
That's how it is with Twins sometimes,
Me here, him there--
Seems no reason or rhyme,
But we know it's real,
Our love we can feel.

We live in each other's heart, Though often apart--
That's the illusion, the test we face, For truly we are together in one place--
Twin Flame Love is Forever!
Our bond can Never be erased.

On a Shelf

How can I keep the flame burning by myself,
When, once again, he puts me on a shelf?

I know he's busy with his life,
His world, his job, family drama and strife--

But how can I live on crumbs?

Sporadic Tweets, like doggy treats--

Is he oblivious to my needs?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Waiting for You

Waiting for You

Smoldering passion,
Burning embers,
Unquenched desire, fire within...
Heart and soul, body longing for release.
Grounding into physicality, reality...
How long, my Beloved, must I wait?
Longing for reunion with you, my Twin?

Here, Within Me

 Here, Within Me

Here, within me, I feel your energy,
Drawing ever closer to me,
Permeating every cell of me,
Filling every system of my body.

My heart joyously skips a beat,
Wanting to jump from my breast,
I am drawn to you, wanting, needing you,
Desperate for ecstatic release.

Balanced on the big blue ball, ready to fall,
Into your world, your life, feeling your call,
Wanting your arms to catch me, trusting you,
Knowing you feel the way I do.

Loving me, loving you.
February 3 at 11:53am

An Open Door

 An Open Door

I can't just cut you off this way
Without hope of another day,
A time without confusion or strife,
A chance to have a real life!

No explanation
No communication
A problem with us this whole time,
Psychology, technology troubles
Bursting bubbles in our paradigm.

It's too much to take!
Our hearts may break,
But we must separate,
Take time to heal and grow,
Space to make it real,
And to know for sure how we feel.

This won't be forevermore,
The future is always unsure,
Our Twin Flame Love, I won't ignore,
And so, let's leave an open door.
January 27 at 9:24am

Twin Flame Separation

 Twin Flame Separation

Until we are clear and free of
Unhealthy dependency,
We must part, my Love,
Though it breaks my heart.

I will place no blame,
For we are the same
Mirrored face, tear-streaked,
In pain, Beloved Twin Flame.

This growth spurt hurts,
As we fall,
But time we need,
That we may heed
The Clarion Call.

This Dream we know,
As life below,
Egoes scream from fatal blow,
Karmic bondage now must go.

Its time completing now seems fleeting,
Though oft it left us broken, bleeding,
There were Seasons in the sun,
Rainbows leading to the ONE.

It's time, my dear, that we must part,
I'll always be near, in your heart--
Let the healing tears now flow,
As Feeling now breaks Logic's bow,
And Reason bows to what our hearts know:

Twin Flame Love is FOREVER!
Our time is NOW, Darling,
Speak not of NEVER.
January 24 at 8:34am

If I Fall

 If I Fall

I'm balancing between two worlds,
Yours and mine,
Two hemispheres,
The Equator draws the line--
Balancing on a big blue ball,

Will you catch me if I fall?

January 13 at 12:16pm via mobile