Thursday, November 27, 2014


Dearest Twin, hark to me,
Don't you know we must be free?
Now is the time for you and I
To spread our wings, and together fly,
Above the 3D battles below,
Where Ego's oft dealt fateful blows.

I know this hasn't been easy for you,
Our journey's often made me blue,
I've been impatient, that is true,
To fly away to be with you,
But you've kept me far away,
Longing for another day.

I know you have another life,
But I'm your Spirit's chosen wife,
Your anguished NEVER! I Won't leave,
Has often made me feel deceived,
And angry at this Cosmic Joke,
That made us bear this heavy yoke.

Karmic contracts soon will end,
And we'll be known as more than friends,
And WE will soon walk proud and free,
In Oneness we'll FOREVER BE.

AstrandaLynn~~COPYRIGHT 2014~~