Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Musings In The Night

I trust because I have no choice,
It's just I feel I've lost my voice,
Waiting for too long,
I feel I've lost my song.

Fingers softened by the years,
Guitar strings rusted by falling tears,
A woman feels the weight of age,
Long-lost dreams cry out in rage...
Tear drops fall on poet's page.

My life's chaotic, my mind's a mess,
Apartment's a wreck, I must confess,
Overwhelmed with clutter, even worse,
I seem to be moving, but stuck in reverse.

Revisiting places I thought were gone forever,
Newly discovered, merely buried, hidden Never,
For days I slept in dreamless nightmares,
Now my ego arises screaming rage,
My mirror shows me no wiser with age.

Somewhere I lost ME, sometime ago,
My voice was gone, along with my song,
Captive, longing to be FREE, not on a shelf,
The cage was my own doing, not anyone else,
And I have the key, to unlock Myself.

I've felt like a fake, dancing at a Masque,
Tripping and falling, failing my Task,
Blaming the world, upbringing, and Love,
Ever afraid to face the Gods Above.

Queen Hecate calls me from my sleep,
Her wolves, howling, make me weep,
Her torch held high, lights up the sky,
Her Call to me,  I can't deny.

The balance I seek lies within,
The path of Soul is not a sin,
Ever leading to my Twin,
But I must be ready to begin.

The Wheel of the year completing its march,
December will complete the arc,
And soon a New Year will make its mark,
As I find my way back from the dark. 

AstrandaLynn~~Copyright 2016~~


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