Thursday, December 6, 2012
Two souls danced in bonfires of love and lust,
Based on an enduring, intimate, trust,
Coming together in natural desire.
Sharing the gifts each one brought, fueled by imaginative thought,
Giving in to the wildness of fantasy online,
Uninhibited, unclothed, unsheathed, unfettered mind,
Man and woman, Twins, reunion sought.
Their hearts knew what minds could not comprehend,
That they would always be more than friends,
It flew in the face of society, endangered all sense of propriety,
But LOVE made their fears and confusion end.
Her gentle, teasing ministration, and his passionate penetration,
Fused them together in mind and they are whole,
With joy they know, whatever may be, they are always One,
No more fears, or guilty tears, can tear them apart,
In love forever, HOME in their heart.
Soft words spoken in they know.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Off Season

The summer is gone, tourists went home,
My lonely heart now wants to roam,
Wind in my hair, salty sea foam,
It's off season there, and I'm far from home.
Living on land, forgetting my fins,
Wishing for sand, bemoaning my sins,
Legs long-since grown...once I had wings,
Mermaid or angel?...confused, my soul sings.
Destiny calls, my faith is true,
Whatever befalls, my fate's with YOU,
My Love, forever we will be ONE,
Blessed by the water, kissed by the Sun...
There on our Beach, just out of reach.
Home, where wind and waves will feed me,
Home, where Love will come to meet me,
Home, where the mighty ocean rolls,
Home, where at last I will be whole.
I've been land-locked far too long,
Forgotten my sacred Inner Song,
Longing for something just out of reach,
Wanting my Home, my Love, my Beach.
Now, on this first December day,
My reverie takes me far away,
Listening to the white noise of the fan,
I seem to hear the sounds of wind and waves,
I feel my feet walking in the sand,
And long to be back where the sea meets the land.
Friday, November 9, 2012
My Heart Knows
Bonding us through Love and Light,
We hold each other tight, all through the night.
Hugging myself, you hug me, too,
Our way of saying, I love you...
Touch yourself, I'm touching you.
That chat we had last night was clear,
You let me know you want me near,
Read between the lines, I knew,
That my place will always be with you.
You didn't want me to be alone,
Said I need someone close to home,
Like a platonic friend? was my query,
No, like a neighbor...but you had to hurry.
Goodnight, you said, and I love you.
I saw your words, and my heart knew...
It didn't take much reading between the lines,
To know that you will always be mine...
Just waiting now for Timing Divine.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Promise
And to follow you, to no more be apart,
I promise to commit myself to my Twin, to my Divine Spark,
To always be a light in the dark,
Lighting the candles with the Light,
Keeping our Love ever bright.
I commit myself 100 percent, in spite of every outer event,
Knowing our love will keep us bound, to the happiness we've found,
Trusting that when the time is right, you will come to me, day or night,
And I'll be ready at that time, when you call me, Come, be mine!
The time of waiting now is o'er, and we're together ever more,
My promise to you now is sure--
No more will I say Nevermore.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Caught in oceans of emotions,
Boards tumbled about in the undertow,
Angry words, buttons pushed,
That they might be healed, and grow.
Sudden cloudbursts may appear,
Tears falling as rain,
But they know the rainbow's near,
As sun shines once again,
And their love keeps them here.
For a while, they can smile,
The ocean's calm, after the storm--
Quietly chatting, sharing new insight,
Dreamily cuddling through the night,
As Love keeps them safe and warm.
Monday, September 17, 2012
You Are So Beautiful
The plaintive voice I heard inside,
Saw my face in the mirror and nearly cried,
That's a good question...why do I hide.
He sounded sad that day, frustrated, too,
Telepathy was making me blue,
And as I was dressing that day,
Thoughts depressing wouldn't go away.
Again and again, throughout the day,
The poignant query in my mind did play,
You are so Beautiful! Why do you hide?
Because I like my dream world better than outside.
In my dream world, we are together,
No more pulling us apart,
In my dream we live forever,
Safe in the LOVE within my heart.
But, don't you know, we must be free,
To live our lives and let us BE,
Shine our Light, on the new birth,
Bring to Life, Heaven on Earth?
Stop hiding your beauty, let your Light shine,
I promise that you'll always be mine,
When the time comes, I'll come for you,
But until then, we have things to do.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Lies the poets' fabled dream,
Faeries fly on gossamer wings,
In their own life stream.
Not too often do we see,
Too oft, our fear won't let us free,
To know beyond actuality.
And so we judge what others know,
And our egos won't let go,
Can't admit we may be wrong,
Won't listen to another's song.
Lalala, like bratty kids,
Sticking fingers in our ears,
We won't hear the voices hidden,
That bring tears to hearts, unbidden.
Some will never know the beauty,
Slaving in their self-chosen duty,
Others will deny the Love,
That is Now sent from Above.
Some have heard the Angels sing,
Some have seen them on the wing,
Others see the ships of Light
Flashing in the starry night.
But the scoffers still deny,
Anything that they can't see
They have bought into the lie,
There's no other reality.
Some Don't Like My Song
But they don't have to sing along,
It's my life, and my groove,
And my love,
That makes me move.
They try to tell me it's a sin,
To believe I've found my Twin,
He's with another til another day,
His choice to still love me,
His choice if he won't stay away,
My choice to let him be.
This world's still stuck in old 3D
Rules and regulations,
And Twin Flame Love, they cannot see,
Which makes for complications--
But that won't stop my love and me.
Our love knows no bounds,
Nothing keeps us apart,
This love we have found,
Lives in our hearts.
Outwardly, we may be friends,
But in our hearts we know,
That this love will never end,
And we won't let go.
In our dreams, through the night,
We hold each other tight,
Wanting so much to be together,
Dreading morning's light--
Yet we know our love's forever,
And we know it's right.
Someday, they will know it's true,
This love was meant to be,
They'll stop judging me and you,
And finally let us be--
It's our destiny.
Twin Candles
But still set up my sacred place, and two candles, I did light,
Two candles stood side by side, while I asked my God to guide,
I set my pillows on the floor, preparing Zazen to sit,
But no matter how I squirmed around, the pillows didn't fit.
I sat on the couch, feet on the floor, but still I couldn't rest,
So, I sat back, and crossed my legs, and tried to do my best,
Closed my eyes, and took deep breaths, but my mind refused to stop,
Opened my eyes, in much surprise, when I heard something drop.
An arrow-shaft lay on the plate of the candle tall and straight,
The candle on the left was melting, getting smaller fast,
I sat there, stunned, to see what it had done, a feminine profile appearing,
As I watched, a piece flew off, and landed on the other plate,
To my amazement, an angel wing, lay at the base of the candle--
Still standing tall and straight.
I had been busy with my phone, snapping photos, one by one,
A record of this phenomenon, planning to put them all online,
On Facebook, and to tell the story, to Twin Flame friends of mine,
I looked at my phone as the sculpture was done,
The last photo I snapped was at 9:09!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friends and Lovers, Twin Flames Forever
And so for now, I'll let you go,
Live your life, as you will,
And I'll live mine, loving you still,
Find my balance in my heart,
Knowing that we'll never part.
It's the plan we made before our birth,
Before we came to planet earth,
Living and loving, then meeting online,
Breaking all the chains that bind,
Bending all the rules, learning to fly,
Climbing out of boxes we were in,
Learning that Love is never a sin.
Sin was a concept made by man,
A way to control Karma's Law,
But lessons are learned by living,
Not by blind obedience, by experience,
Learning to love, forgive every flaw.
And for me, my mantra, Be Patient and Wait,
My ever-present lesson, part of my fate,
Knowing just when is the best time,
Trying to get the reason and rhyme,
Behind all the scenes of my life,
All my sorrows and all my strife,
Knowing there's joy beneath it all,
If I just once break down the wall.
Ego has imprisoned me, left me in a rage,
Now is the time--
Set me free, turn another page!
Quietly, my heart speaks to me,
Now is the time--
Set yourself free,
For only YOU have the key!
Your happiness, your joy in living,
Will increase with your giving,
Shine the Light that in you burns,
Love without expecting returns,
Know that what you seek, lies within,
The Kingdom of LOVE, the Heart of a Twin.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Bye for Now
That burning, yearning feeling is going away,
The ache in my throat from un-shed tears, can wait another day,
I seem to be detaching from my addiction to you,
At one time, that idea would have made me blue.
Detaching, so I've been told, is the only way that we can grow,
And, if I may be so bold, it's the only way that we will know,
If we really want to be, friends and lovers, you and me,
Time away from chat is good, too much between us was misunderstood,
I was frustrated, angry and sad, and all my clinging was driving you mad.
So I'll stay away a while, sending you messages in my poems,
Leaving your heart a wistful smile, loving you, missing home,
Focused on you, for a time, long enough to write this rhyme,
Then back to my room , my lonely vow--
See you soon, bye for now.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Gift of Separation
You know in your heart, we're not really apart,
But space is needed now, between you and me,
Before we can become a reality.
This pushme-pullyou game takes its toll,
And often wounds our heart and soul,
Too often now, we spoke in anger,
Misunderstood text a present danger.
Time away from chat will be good,
A time to ponder things now understood,
Creative space to play and pray,
Guarded by Angels, night and day--
They'll help us on our path to stay.
I miss you already, this is true,
My energy continues to blend with you,
But we need time to think this through,
To heal the issues between me and you,
And even some wounds hidden from view.
This time and space for you is my gift
Please let it not widen the rift,
My love for you is ever true,
And soon I will be back with you.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
We Are ONE
Feelings surface, too long hidden, tears freely falling, though unbidden,
Aching hearts long to be mended, as karmic roles now are ended,
Energies rising, pole to pole, as Earth is transcended, soon to be whole.
A new song is heard, humming high and low, voices blending, as we go
Onward and upward, to and fro, seeking for others, lost long ago,
We pause and listen, the words we know, in our hearts,
As we still the ego's discordant scream, we know we will never part,
And Oneness no longer's a distant dream.
I have heard this many a time, don't know who wrote it, a chant sublime,
Taking poetic liberty, I've added words, to make this rhyme--
We are One, I am inside You, and You are Me,
We walk together, whole and free,
Every breath I take, You share with Me,
We are One. ALL. LOVE's. FAMILY!
Dreaming a New Reality
And see that we made it to the other side, and have our wings so we can fly,
We'll let our breath out, with a sigh, and see just what was hidden, deep inside,
And with a joyful hug, look beside, and find the LOVE that can no longer hide.
Tears may fall, but quickly dry, smiles and laughter will rule the day,
Karma is over, like a dream, life's illusions, floating downstream,
Time is up, the tests are done, passed with flying colors, banners in the sun,
Earth school is over, time is transcended, and all those crazy feelings now are ended.
Yes, we had a choice, even when we heard the Voice, we could follow our hearts or not,
Seek God within, past the gates of sin imposed by stern judgment's governing rules, man-made schools,
We chose the LOVE we felt, though pelted with stones thrown by those in power, in vaulted towers,
We listened to our hearts, knowing Nothing could keep us apart,
And though others frowned, we kept our crowns.
Now with bells chiming, it is Divine Timing, the Reign of the Dragon draws near,
The Age of Aquarius, Golden Age promised, and 2012 begins this New Year--
This time was presaged in '87, as we had glimpses then of heaven,
Felt little twinges of 5D, lived partly within a new reality.
We fell asleep, making our fortresses deep within dreams, the Light hurt our eyes, while War ruled the skies,
But LOVE doesn't slumber, and reawakened us in numbers,
Calling to our hearts, promising we'd no more part, and brought us to each other, ALWAYS to be together
Awakened NOW to bring to birth, the offspring of New Heaven and Earth,
Conceived by LOVE's IMMORTALITY--
Let Peace, Abundance, and Loving Oneness, NOW be the New Reality!
Friday, August 24, 2012
The Other Woman, Your Cyberfantasy
I'm the one society scorns, but I make you glad that you were born,
I'm the woman of your creation, fashioned of love, lust, and fascination.
I'm the one you keep as your fantasy, who'll never meet you, because of friends and family.
I'm the woman you say you want, but too often interruptions say you can't,
Making me want to scream and rant--
But, I don't...instead I get depressed, cry and mope, feeling as if there is no hope,
While you go off, blithely unaware, making it seem like you don't care.
I'm the woman who gave you her heart, with a promise we'll never part,
I'm the one that you set free, in wild, passionate sexuality,
And now in my fervent rage, I know I will never be,
Content to go back to the cage of religious morality.
I'm the woman who needs you to see that I'm not just a fantasy,
My love is true, my feelings real, though I'm not perfect as your ideal,
I live for the day you'll say and mean, OUR Love is real, not just a dream,
And you're MY woman, my heart is true--
And yes, I'll always, ever love YOU.
Cosmic Joke, Heavy Yoke
Did the Gods know the earth would be drowned in oceans of tears?
Did they know the pain the Lovers would face, torn apart, soul and heart,
And even in time, at this date, when Twins are meeting each other too late,
Hearts are broken, kept apart by cruel Karmic fate,
Seeing their Beloved in the arms of another mate.
Be patient and wait, we are told time and again,
Let all unfold in Time Divine, not the ways of men,
Do not if we could with everything on their terms
Their choice to answer or ignore our voice, keeping us secret
A fantasy, protecting themselves from wrath of family
Long-distance lover not a priority.
IF caught, denied as just a friend, in this game that will never end.
If Twin Love is needed to bring to birth, the New Beginning of the Earth,
With such great Love, to last Forever,
Why are so many not together?
Is this whole thing just another Illusion,
Fraught with danger and Confusion?
How many hearts will yet be broke,
Under this Love's heavy yoke,
All for a cruel Cosmic Joke?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Circles of Love
The Love we share radiates outwardly, until we are One;
It begins from my heart, as I send it to him, and for a while,
We play with the energy that we feel, my Twin and I,
Making more Love, with radiant Smiles, soaring through the skies.
Happy minutes we while away, as we chatter, flirt and play,
Too soon, I know we must go away, to separate worlds, for another day;
But we'll bask in the Love we share, making life easier to bear,
And the Love and Light we'll share, with family and friends that we love there.
And so the Love and Light continue to go from each who receives it, soul to soul,
Making the day brighter, as it grows, and circles the earth from pole to pole,
Finally it ripples back to me, through the bond of Twin and Me,
And with happiness untold, we meet again, at Love's door,
Sending out our ripples of gold, Circles of Love, forevermore.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I get impatient to be with you,
Even knowing that rushing's bad,
The thought of waiting drives me mad.
This is the craziest love, I know,
And maybe we should have taken it slow,
But now it's to the point of no return,
Constantly feeling passion's burn,
We can't let go.
It's more than passion's fantasy,
This LOVE's bigger than you and me,
We are Twins, bonded by Divinity,
United for Eternity.
This was our Plan, before the Fall of Man,
We'd live our lives apart, as separate souls,
Me as Woman, you as Man, in separate roles,
But one day, following our hearts,
We'd find each other again, no more to part.
But this takes time, unraveling karma,
Tying up loose ends,
Anchoring the LOVE that will never end,
While preparing to Ascend.
It seems Divine Timing plods along,
While I sing lamenting songs,
But one day, sooner than I can see,
I'll hear your voice, calling to me,
Come Home, my Love, Come Home with me!
'Til then, I must learn to wait patiently.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sex and Astrology
Waves of love wash through me, deep inside,
Passion fills me with desire,
Your energy warms me with Aries fire.
Gemini Sun and Moon reply,
Scorpio rises, with smouldering eyes,
Gemini Air, playfully breathes on your fire,
Building the blaze,
And we're both in a daze.
Venus in Taurus, a perfect match,
Twins incubate, ready to hatch,
Ready for sex, in ecstasy,
I'm ready to feel you penetrate me.
Opened wide, your shaft is inside,
Buried to the hilt, without any guilt.
I am yours, with all my trust,
Holding tightly as you thrust.
In frenzied orgasms, at last we meet,
Together, fevered, burning with heat,
With one last cry, you spill your seed,
And we are spent, with satisfied need.
We cuddle then, quiet, content,
To our passion we gave vent,
Now with voices low, cooing like doves,
We speak in whispers, telling our love.
Feeling drowsy, half asleep,
I can still feel you, inside me, deep,
You kiss me then, and start to move,
I feel you growing hard within,
And I want you, too, soon, again.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Waiting Is: Do You Grok?
A long time coming, through this vale of fears, Life has led me to BE here,
Waiting for Reunion from different Spheres,
With Star-based Family, and Beloved Twin...
Do you Grok? Waiting IS!
Waiting is such a pain, while my tears fall like rain,
It's been such a struggle, such a fight,
Like a shadowed plant reaching for Light,
My lonely soul often has reached for Love,
Not quite remembering my Home above.
Do you Grok? Can you understand,
The loneliness of a woman for a man?
And not just any man will do,
For there is only ONE,
And God created Me for You.
In the Beginning, the tale is told,
Councils of Light, planning the earth,
Sought Volunteers to undergo blindness at birth,
A veil to be dropped, amnesia begin,
Forgetting that LOVE is Never a Sin.
And so we fell, Paradise became Hell,
We lost our wings, and no more heard our Soul sing,
Ego reigned supreme, and Duality's dream kept us mired,
'Til all that was left were embers of Divine Fire.
Blindly we searched for lifetimes untold,
Waiting for Time to slowly unfold,
Knowing Somewhere, was waiting our Other Half,
In the meantime, finding solace, laughter and Love,
While we waited for a sign from Above.
And so the Twin Flame paradigm came into being,
And many hearts broke, for they were seeing
The Beloved with another mate,
And they wondered, was it too late?
Do you Grok? Waiting IS!
Divine Timing nearly complete,
Hearts rejoice, at last, KNOWING they'll meet,
Star-based Family, Beloved Twins,
Homeward bound on gossamer wings,
And as ONE our SOUL will sing!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Don't Forget Me
It's best for you, I know,
I felt your pain, tears fell like rain,
As you were torn in two.
I know this balancing of worlds,
Can drive you mad, it's true,
And I know just why you blew,
Frustrated, as can be,
You need some time, it's clear to see--
But Darling, please,
Don't forget me!
You said you're having trouble, sharing love with two,
You didn't want to burst my bubble, but I ,so well, know you,
I know this Twin Flame journey sometimes seems unreal,
But you said you just can't stop emotions that you feel--
I can't, either...I love you, too.
You said you love me, and that's clear, and makes it hard for me,
You've been confused, but I can see--
You need your family, more than you need me.
So for a while...I'll try to smile, though tears be ever near,
I'll let you be, give you space and time, knowing you're still mine,
But for now, I'll leave you chat, no text, no phone,
I'll leave all channels open to you, make it plain to see,
Just listen with your heart, and you will hear my whispered plea--
Darling, please,
Don't forget me!
By AstrandaLynn, July 10, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
One of These Days
And karma is finished, and we walk in the sun,
I'll take your hand, look into your eyes,
And tell you how much I've realized.
How much I missed you, not knowing you were near me,
And how I wanted to hear your voice in my heart more clearly,
How much your chats meant, and time you spent, day by day,
Loving me, in every possible way.
It wasn't easy, just being online,
And often I felt the lack of time,
I knew you had another world,
But, still, I wanted to be your girl.
You brought out the wild woman in me,
Loving me so passionately,
I was often stunned by our feelings,
And sometimes your energy set my senses reeling--
Burning, fevered with desire,
That combination of Air and Fire.
The world did its best to keep us apart,
Cruel judgment sometimes broke my heart,
Fear made me want to run away,
But you said, Let's give it another day.
Finally, I learned to seek within,
The Kingdom of Love, beyond all sin,
I listened to my heart, no more apart,
And Love was my Song--
It was never wrong to love my Twin.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The World Cannot See
Our connection, invisible though it may be,
Forged of unbreakable bonds of Love, from Eternity,
Is as REAL as it feels...Not just a Fantasy.
We have transcended the rules and judgments of man,
We live by the laws of LOVE,
Judged only by the ONE Above---
We live According to Our Plan.
I am in You, as You are in Me,
We share our heart and soul,
As ONE, complete and whole,
One LOVE Forever,
Life ceasing Never.
I am Yours, as You are Mine,
Even Now, beyond all Time,
Far beyond the 3D earth,
A New World Dawns, as we give birth---
And Our Love... Twin Flame LOVE IS Heaven on Earth.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Where Is Home?
Am I alone, or am I with You,
Did I make it to Heaven, or did I Ascend,
Am I with you, my Lover, my Friend?
Was I banished, stuck in 3D,
My life unfinished, dreams still to be,
Was there still hope, or naught but despair,
Did anyone want me, did anyone care?
It seemed too late, and I was too old,
My broken heart was hardened and cold,
The wings of my soul lay tattered and torn,
Right where I crashed, before Love could be born.
Suddenly, I choked, in the midst of a scream,
And I awoke, for it was all just a dream,
Another illusion, delusion of fear--
I take a deep breath, and feel You near.
Love's transfusion expands my heart,
Light inspires words and art,
My Dream Lives,
And we never will part.
By AstrandaLynn, June 14, 2012
The Gift of an Aching Heart
Why do my tears fall like rain,
Feeling lost and alone, far from Home,
Emotions raw, like a newborn poem?
Is all of this just a Cosmic Joke,
Exchanging religion for another Yoke?
Twin Flame love just makes me blue,
Leaves me longing for merging with You.
They say it's a gift, and we'll never more part,
But to me, it's the gift of an aching heart,
A double-edged sword of Inner Light,
Wielded by Angels, Gods tearing us apart,
While Karma holds on with all her Might.
Must I find another Dream?
Just the thought makes me want to SCREAM!
Outraged, broken once again, Ego won't die--
My Soul can't fly.
I lost my crown once, Never Again,
You gave it back to me, my Lover, my Friend,
My Fate is sealed, to Die or Ascend,
Love is my Glory, the OM, the AMEN.
You gave me the Gift of an Aching Heart,
For me, the well-spring of my Art,
With or without you, it is Your Choice,
I will go on, with my own Voice--
Knowing deep within, it wasn't a sin,
To Love you, my Twin---
And we're never apart.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Lightworker: Part 1
In a Cosmic Council far, far away,
But did we know it would hurt this way?
I was first to earth, to be born,
Leaving our souls tattered and torn,
I was born long before you,
Twelve years before you were due.
When you were born, I was in school,
Playing French horn, and following rules,
Twelve years later, I was a wife,
Well-established in my life.
Twelve more years swiftly flew,
And I think I dreamed of you--
My soul mate contract then was done,
But your marriage had just begun.
After that, I lived in a daze,
Depression kept me in a haze,
Til in my 40's I awoke,
As something deep within me broke.
I was free, learning to fly,
Feet on the ground, head in the sky,
Dreams of space ships, and a loving ET,
And my best friend and mentor was Cherokee.
Working with crystals, traveling Light,
Learning to meditate, day and night,
Transmuting energy, calmed by the sea,
I was transformed to a different ME.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Twin Flame Journey
Did we know we'd be separated by birth,
So far away , with a gap in our age,
Did we feel the beginning of helpless rage?
Did we promise that we'd meet someday,
But on separate paths, begin to stray,
Away from the Love that was once so strong,
Was it Fate that made us long for our Twin hearts' song?
The day finally came, with clarion call, we heard the song from our hearts,
I was free to come to you, but there were others keeping us apart,
Family, friends, church, all disapproved, of the Love beginning to bloom--
And Guilt had me crying in my room.
But we couldn't stay away, even knowing the price we'd pay,
Our passion for each other grew, as the Love that we once knew,
Infused our beings, body and soul, and made our wand'ring, lonely hearts whole.
All was well, in our paradigm, but it was still just a matter of time,
Obstacles in our path refused to budge, and there were some who continued to judge--
I'd get scared and run away, but you called me back the very next day,
Waiting patiently for me, you'd shake your head, smile, and say you loved me.
One fateful day, we were caught, and our Love suddenly became naught,
You tried to brush me off as just a friend, and then we tried to make it end,
As you tried to make amends--
I felt hurt, betrayed that day, but still we couldn't stay away.
And now I know we're more than friends, and our Love will never end.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
If I Die Tomorrow
Would you regret we never had a chance to meet, to dance, or develop our romance
Or curse the gods that kept us apart right to the end?
Would you cry, or mourn for me, or be happy to be free,
Then classify me as just a fantasy, soon to be just a memory,
Of a woman from across the sea, whose only plea was, just love me?
When it's too late to say the words, will sorrow pierce your heart like swords,
If, in your grieving, you can hear softly whispered words from another sphere,
I would tell you in your heart, I never wanted us to be apart,
Never was your choice, never mine, fear kept you from me, until we ran out of time.
And yet, I understand, my dear, the choices difficult to bear, you made for living in your zone,
Leaving me heartbroken and alone.
Can I Let You BE, Set Us Free?
Twin Flame, Soul Mate, ALL Love in the end, my friend?
My friend? My Best Friend? Lover and Friend?
Can I let you go, let our relationship dissolve,
Let our Love evolve--
Let our Passion devolve back into friendship?
If I do, will it be better for you, for me,
Set us both free?
Will you still remember me?
Can I let you BE, set us FREE?
If I do, will it be better for you, for me?
No longer intimate, no more guilty fantasy--
Openly friends on Facebook-- and look,
No more "Shadow on the Internet"-- Just ME!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Unrequited Obsession
It often seems so one-sided,
Like my love is unrequited,
It's not my fault he's in his situation,
But I'm the one who gets limited communication.
Backburnered, put on a shelf, just an afterthought,
Sometimes I feel like our love is coming to naught,
Out of sight, out of mind, oblivious and blind,
Focused totally on his world--
Like I am just his fantasy girl.
They tell me to wait and work on myself---
How long can I live on somebody's shelf,
Like I'm just another possession--
This love is feeling like an obsession!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Time Traveling
Reaching for you across time and space,
I long to hold you in my embrace,
Content to even touch your face,
Feeling you in my sacred place.
The veil gets thinner every day,
As I meditate and pray,
Yet sometimes in loneliness, I sigh--
You answer me with primal cry,
Telepathing, with all your might,
Let me hold you close tonight!
In our dream, content at last,
I come to you, as in the past,
You welcome me into your arms,
Keeping me safe and warm.
In our dream, we sleep tonight,
Holding each other close and tight,
Hearts beat as One, as I silently pray,
The rising sun won't send me away--
Your last words to me are
My love, someday--
You stir in your sleep, reaching for me--
But it is dawn,
And I am gone.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Best Friends Forever
Enjoyed our chat,
So glad we're back!
We never can stay away,
Too much longer than a day.
Whether a cloud-burst or hurricane,
You wait patiently, out of the rain,
While I try to cool my brain,
And get off the coaster train.
You always know when to call,
And when to catch me when I fall,
Sometimes I cry because I'm blue,
Sometimes because I fear I hurt you.
But without a word, you whisper, I love you.
We have something special, you and I,
A friendship that will never die,
From loving hearts that cannot lie--
Best Friends Forever,
Love ceasing Never!
To Choose Love
Love is a feeling,
Also a choice,
Kept in the heart,
Until given voice.
Once it is spoken,
It's time to choose--
My heart-felt choice,
Is to always love you.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Just Friends
Let's stay friends...
The dreaded words
Cut through my heart like two-edged swords.
I love you very much, but you must move on--
To me it feels like love is gone!
But, you're right, I must go on.
This roller coaster train
has me going insane!
Twin Flame or not,
It has to stop!
Forget the WE,
I have to find ME!
I lost myself in YOU,
In a DREAM that isn't coming True.
My senses are reeling,
I need time for healing,
To be just friends, I don't know how,
And so, my love, Goodbye for now.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
In Timing Divine
Though another has you at this time,
And Fate keeps us apart,
I feel your energy with me entwine,
And I know in my heart,
You are Mine...
In Timing Divine.
Day by day, the energy grows strong,
Even when we aren't online,
And though for you, I sometimes long,
I'm learning not to pine--
The energy, our Love, I feel in all of me,
Mind, heart, every system of my body,
With you, my restless heart is content and whole,
For you, my Love, complete my soul.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
An Anguished Plea
There is no longer just You or Me,
For We are One,
But I will continue Our journey alone
Until you are ready to come Home.
I will not force you to come with me,
And I know you still love me--
But part of you has chosen
Your life and family in 3-D,
As priorities over me and We.
It hurt me to hear your anguished No!
Repeated 'til, at last, I know
You meant it as Never--
Do you want me to go?
Even so--Twin Flame Love is Forever!
Darling, PLEASE, Speak No More of Never!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Twin Flame Merge
In sacred meditation,
We merge, become One,
We are connected--
Hara to hara, heart to heart,
No more, ever, shall we part.
I feel you tugging on the cord,
Connected to my chest--
I hold you close,
Your hair I ruffle, while you rest.
Tears begin to stream down my face,
Love fills my heart,
As Light floods our sacred space.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Silent Insight
In Zen meditation's silent night,
Sitting Zazen, I see the Light,
I hear the beating of your heart,
And know we'll never be apart.
Twin Flame Lovers, friends forever,
Our connection can't be severed,
Though the world gets in our way,
The path gets clearer every day,
As we meditate and pray.
Live and love, and have no fear,
It's all an illusion, this vale of tears,
And joyous insight, in darkest night,
Reveals the dawning of Love and Light.
We'll be together, you and I,
As One, United, We'll reach for the Sky,
Wings unfurled, soaring so high,
Vibrations of Love without condition,
Carry Us Home, completing our mission.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Be Whole
Come into the Light, little one,
You who were hurt so badly--
Come into the Light, young woman,
You who were disillusioned--
Come into the Light, young mother,
You who were abandoned--
Come into the Light, Let Love now heal,
Misperceptions are what you feel--
It isn't real!
Light now floods the secret rooms
Where Id and Ego once feared doom.
Life-long lessons have been learned,
And Karma's cords, Love now burns.
Come into the Light, parts of my soul,
Come into the Love, and Now be whole.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Happiness, like love, is a choice.
The Universe reacts to my voice.
If I complain, I only get pain.
If I choose Love, Angels above
Stand by, helping me fly
Straight to your loving arms.
Hot, cold
Love, hate
Too soon, too late--
Spirituality, physicality
Reality, actuality--
Where's the Love,
The Reunion
We All dream of--
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Charred heart turns to ash,
Trust betrayed, hopes dashed--
Was this all a cosmic sham,
Twin Flame Lover, just a man?
Confusion, illusion,
Contusion of the brain,
Hard knocks, karma,
Tears fall like rain--
Cleaning ego's messes,
Tying loose ends,
Lover confesses,
Enemies are friends.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Sporadic tweets are all we have,
No more time to spare--
That's how it is with Twins sometimes,
Me here, him there--
Seems no reason or rhyme,
But we know it's real,
Our love we can feel.
We live in each other's heart, Though often apart--
That's the illusion, the test we face, For truly we are together in one place--
Twin Flame Love is Forever!
Our bond can Never be erased.
On a Shelf
How can I keep the flame burning by myself,
When, once again, he puts me on a shelf?
I know he's busy with his life,
His world, his job, family drama and strife--
But how can I live on crumbs?
Sporadic Tweets, like doggy treats--
Is he oblivious to my needs?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Waiting for You
Waiting for You
Smoldering passion,
Burning embers,
Unquenched desire, fire within...
Heart and soul, body longing for release.
Grounding into physicality, reality...
How long, my Beloved, must I wait?
Longing for reunion with you, my Twin?
Here, Within Me
Here, Within Me
Here, within me, I feel your energy,
Drawing ever closer to me,
Permeating every cell of me,
Filling every system of my body.
My heart joyously skips a beat,
Wanting to jump from my breast,
I am drawn to you, wanting, needing you,
Desperate for ecstatic release.
Balanced on the big blue ball, ready to fall,
Into your world, your life, feeling your call,
Wanting your arms to catch me, trusting you,
Knowing you feel the way I do.
Loving me, loving you.
February 3 at 11:53am
An Open Door
I can't just cut you off this way
Without hope of another day,
A time without confusion or strife,
A chance to have a real life!
No explanation
No communication
A problem with us this whole time,
Psychology, technology troubles
Bursting bubbles in our paradigm.
It's too much to take!
Our hearts may break,
But we must separate,
Take time to heal and grow,
Space to make it real,
And to know for sure how we feel.
This won't be forevermore,
The future is always unsure,
Our Twin Flame Love, I won't ignore,
And so, let's leave an open door.
January 27 at 9:24am
Twin Flame Separation
Until we are clear and free of
Unhealthy dependency,
We must part, my Love,
Though it breaks my heart.
I will place no blame,
For we are the same
Mirrored face, tear-streaked,
In pain, Beloved Twin Flame.
This growth spurt hurts,
As we fall,
But time we need,
That we may heed
The Clarion Call.
This Dream we know,
As life below,
Egoes scream from fatal blow,
Karmic bondage now must go.
Its time completing now seems fleeting,
Though oft it left us broken, bleeding,
There were Seasons in the sun,
Rainbows leading to the ONE.
It's time, my dear, that we must part,
I'll always be near, in your heart--
Let the healing tears now flow,
As Feeling now breaks Logic's bow,
And Reason bows to what our hearts know:
Twin Flame Love is FOREVER!
Our time is NOW, Darling,
Speak not of NEVER.
January 24 at 8:34am
If I Fall
I'm balancing between two worlds,
Yours and mine,
Two hemispheres,
The Equator draws the line--
Balancing on a big blue ball,
Will you catch me if I fall?