Where is Home, what is the view,
Am I alone, or am I with You,
Did I make it to Heaven, or did I Ascend,
Am I with you, my Lover, my Friend?
Was I banished, stuck in 3D,
My life unfinished, dreams still to be,
Was there still hope, or naught but despair,
Did anyone want me, did anyone care?
It seemed too late, and I was too old,
My broken heart was hardened and cold,
The wings of my soul lay tattered and torn,
Right where I crashed, before Love could be born.
Suddenly, I choked, in the midst of a scream,
And I awoke, for it was all just a dream,
Another illusion, delusion of fear--
I take a deep breath, and feel You near.
Love's transfusion expands my heart,
Light inspires words and art,
My Dream Lives,
And we never will part.
By AstrandaLynn, June 14, 2012
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