Where do I fit in your busy life,
When you're still stuck with your Karmic wife,
More concerned with financial strife,
And letting silence cut like a knife?
In our online LDR, words were once like falling stars,
Sparkles of Light filling the night,
Love and laughter, and everything right,
Dreaming of a future so bright...
NOW a choice twixt Good day and Goodnight.
We promised we'd go through this together,
While we worked on our Forever,
But sometimes in fear, you told me Never,
And text became an arduous endeavor.
Sometimes I wonder if it's real,
And I wonder what you really feel,
Is this Love the REAL Deal,
Or are we both just spinning wheels,
While waiting for the wounds to heal?
And yet I know it isn't just us,
Many Twins are on the same bus,
This journey is very hard and long,
With Karmics lulling with Siren song,
Pulling partners back into their web,
While Love of Twin is at its ebb.
They say the DM is full of woe,
And has a long way still to go,
And so he leaves his Twin alone...
The DF has battles of her own,
But occasional chat,
Or call on the phone,
Might keep her heart from turning to stone.
AstrandaLynn ~~COPYRIGHT 2017~~