Tuesday, May 13, 2014


When we met four years ago,
There was a plan we didn't know,
But in our dreams, we fell in love,
Like we were pushed by Angels above.

Society pointed fingers in scorn,
You often felt pressured and torn,
I ran, feeling guilt, anger, and fear,
But you patiently waited, calling, Come here.

One foot in your world, one foot in mine,
Precariously balanced, on Aussie time,
Sometimes zoned out, on Facebook time,
Burning the candle, waiting to chat,
Sometimes you worked late, and that was that.

We're balancing two worlds,
Yours and mine,
The Equator draws the line.
I'm balancing on a big blue ball,
Trusting you'll catch me when I fall.

AstrandaLynn~~COPYRIGHT 2014~~

Monday, May 12, 2014


Missing you, I feel you,
Waves of energy caress my body,
From the inside outward,
Moving ever closer toward
Ecstatic, spiritual release with you.

Energy this intense is new to me,
Our passion was never so strong,
Even on Skype, not this long,
Leaving me on fire,
Unquenched desire for total merging,
With you to be ONE.

Not a fantasy, but very real,
Psychic, sexual, ethereal,
This Twin Flame Love we feel
Is so much more than physical.

AstrandaLynn~~COPYRIGHT 2014~~

Friday, May 2, 2014

Sacred Twin Flame Vow

Thou art bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh,
Sharing the same DNA, refreshed,
Thy heart, now my heart,
Nevermore will we be apart.
Whither Thou goest, there go I
Whether on land, sea, or sky,
Thy people shall be my people,
Thy family part of mine,
And No one shall be left behind.
Thy God shall be my God,
E'er this journey we have trod,
And my King,
Thy Praise I'll sing.
My devotion to Thee I bring.